
History: HordeGroupAPI Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
21 Jan Schneider 2011-03-01 list() is reserved
20 Jan Schneider 2011-03-01 We need some method to get individual group names
19 Jan Schneider 2011-03-01 Using group objects just acts like an unnecessary proxy. Simplify API to only work with group IDs.
18 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 Challenges
17 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 "Driver" is more consistent than "Backend"
16 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 Additional method doc
15 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 typo
14 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 Unused definitions
13 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 Only Horde_Group API should be used by apps
12 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 formatting
11 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 More refactoring plans
10 Ben Klang 2011-01-30 New proposed group structure (work in progress)
9 Ben Klang 2011-01-25 Flatten Groups?
8 Ben Klang 2006-12-11 add note on getGroupById()
7 ben 2006-12-10 nuke some more methods, with an explanation
6 ben 2006-12-10 more notes, and a preview of the final API
5 ben 2006-12-10 fill in some method descriptions
4 ben 2006-12-10 a bit of reorganization
3 ben 2006-12-08 remove references to non-existing methods
2 ben 2006-12-08 update api ideas
1 ben 2006-12-08