
History: HermesAddressBook Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
11 Guest 2017-08-01 This info refers to Horde 3
10 Michael Rubinsky 2008-11-10 MySQL should not be a wiki link
9 Guest 2008-11-10 1.8
8 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-01-20 remove unnecessary hard breaks
7 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-01-20 changes submitted by Kyrian <kyrian@ore.org>
6 Michael Rubinsky 2007-09-06 Make note of different share naming in Turba 2.2+ when using a share for a client address book
5 Michael Rubinsky 2006-04-29 Update client address book howto with information about shared sources
4 Jan Schneider 2005-08-04 Renamed page from AddressBook
3 Jan Schneider 2005-08-04 style
2 Guest 2005-08-04 new HOWTO
1 Guest 2005-08-04