
History: Doc/Dev/Themes Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
8 Michael Slusarz 2013-11-13 Theme names can't contain undescore. Ticket #12533
7 Jan Schneider 2013-09-04 Link to other versions
6 Jan Schneider 2013-09-04 Renamed page from Doc/Dev/ThemesH5
5 Michael Slusarz 2013-02-25 PNG should be used if possible
4 Michael Slusarz 2013-02-25 graphics/sounds can now be overriden at the view level
3 Michael Slusarz 2013-02-25 IE 7 no longer supported in H5
2 Michael Slusarz 2012-08-31 Add info on adding non-themed CSS
1 Michael Slusarz 2012-05-22