
History: Doc/Dev/Component/Components Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
11 Ralf Lang 2019-04-18 Pipe Link Syntax
10 Ralf Lang 2019-04-18 Downstream
9 Ralf Lang 2018-09-30 QC/CodeSniffer2
8 Ralf Lang 2018-04-03 need pear channel even when dealing with local package (lesson learned from docker container)
7 Michael Rubinsky 2018-02-18 The "horde" repository is deprecated. Link to the actual repository for components.
6 Ralf Lang 2018-02-15 minor
5 Guest 2015-03-16 Added fix that took me (unfamiliar with horde) hours to find
4 Jan Schneider 2013-09-04 Changed references from Doc/Dev/FrameworkH4 to Doc/Dev/Framework
3 Michael Rubinsky 2011-03-09 fix path
2 Gunnar Wrobel 2010-10-15 Fix the options (-u is -p and vice versa)
1 Gunnar Wrobel 2010-10-13