
History: ActiveSync/Development Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
11 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-24 Basic flow of fetching changes.
10 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-24 Start the overview of the SYNC lifecycle.
9 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Fill out the rest of the Core classes.
8 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Fill out the rest of the interesting H_AS classes.
7 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Start filling out the class descriptions.
6 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Note about concurrent requests and sync cache.
5 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Moving right along....
4 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Basic bit about how we encode/decode WBXML.
3 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Make it clear this is in addition to the WBXML data.
2 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23 Save early, save often.
1 Michael Rubinsky 2016-11-23