Last Modified 2013-11-11 by Jan Schneider

SyncML Project Ideas

There are lots of (some would argue way to many) electronic calendars and address books around: they come in Phones, PDAs, as part of office applications, as part of browser applications and as part of numerous web applications like Google calendar or the Horde application suite.

Replication of the data can help to cope with these various information sources. However most replication applications are proprietary and limited to individual devices.

SyncML is a platform independent standard for information synchronization. A wide variety of mobile phones and PDAs support this standard for replication of address books and calendar data.

Currently Horde contains a SyncML module in alpha development status. It allows synchronisation of phones and PDAs with Horde.

Project ideas are:

  • Advance the module to production quality status: This involves implement missing features like dealing with synchronisation conflicts and providing a reliable unit testing framework.
  • Extend the existing module to support server to server replication.
  • Refactor the module as an independant component (for example a PEAR package). The aim is to allow for easy integration into various web applications that deal with calendar or address book data. (Like Horde, Drupal, Google Calendar, ...).
  • Currently SyncML is mostly used for address book and calendar data. However the SyncML protocol is not limited to any specific content type. So the module should allow replication of data for every application that implements a to-be-defined replication interface.