Last Modified 2008-06-02 by Chuck Hagenbuch

3.2 Series Release Show Stoppers

None! 3.2 has been released. Time to celebrate - then back to work.

The info below is for historical purposes:

All applications

  • Change dates of listTimeObjects API from timestamp to ISO dates - DONE
  • Pass required time slice to listTimeObjects() as an argument - DONE
  • Same set of audio alarms across all applications - DONE
  • Bug 5748 - Fix broken Share cache - DONE
  • Bug 5664 - Fix WebDAV DELETE - DONE


  • Bug 5111 - Maintenance broken with PHP 4 - DONE


  • Bug 4467 - No Virtual INBOX Display - DONE
  • Request 3823 - Autocomplete adjustments - DONE
  • Bug 5326 - Attachments not stripped in sent-mail folder - DONE
  • Bug 5348 - Preference "Poll all folders for new mail" doesn't for block or Virtual INBOX - DONE
  • Bug 5358 - $pref['mail_domain'] / $conf['maildomain'] not being appended to unqualified addresses - DONE


  • Request 4581 - Treat time objects as selectable calendars - DONE


  • Upgrade script (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.devel/15278) - DONE
  • Bug 4960 - Use horde.shares.turba.sourcename so Turba can use baseline Share driver - DONE
  • Bug 5535 - Share support broken when using multiple share-enabled sources plus issues with naming for sources not unique to horde - DONE
  • Bug 5577 - Fix sync support for IMSP sources so we can prune shares for address books deleted from outside of Turba. - DONE
  • Bug 5578 - Decide on how to handle issue of possible disappearing contacts from contact lists both when flattening shares during upgrade script and if moving a source from share enabled to not share enabled (or vice versa). - DONE
  • Bug 5579 - Decide on how to handle updating (or not updating) user prefs when upgrading to flattened shares. - DONE


  • Bug 5353 - Update exif data while browsing through image view - DONE