Interesting Links
Links which may be useful to Horde developers.
Horde based projects
CSS quirks
PNG Compression
- A FORM WITH STYLE von Stu Nicholls
- AJFORM - World's Easiest !JavaScript AJAX !ToolKit
- An AJAX Contact Form von Dustin Diaz
- Applying CSS to forms von Trenton Moss
- CSS-Only, Table-less Forms von Jeff Howden
- Formulare gestalten ohne Tabellen von Thomas Stich
- Formulare per CSS Layouten von Gerrit Kaiser
- Niceforms von Lucian Slatineanu
- Styling even more form controls von Roger Johansson
- Stylish, accessible forms von by Andy Clarke
- The Form Assembly - Makes Web Forms Simple. Create web forms, host them online, receive responses via email or RSS
- Tutorial: Bessere Formulare - Ein Tutorial in vier Teilen
- Accessible Form Creator - allows you to create forms for web sites containing all the additional markup required to make the forms accessible under Section 508 standards and the !W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1-3 Guidelines.
- Contact Form Generator - The free Website Contact Form Generator utility enables you to create form-to-email scripts for your ASP, PHP or Perl web site with no programming skills needed.
- PHP !FormMail Generator - A tool to create ready-to-use web forms in a flash. Once the form has been generated, you have a full functional web form. Including error checking of required fields, email address validation, credit card number & expiry date checking, multiple attachments sending, and email auto responding.
- - Visual Form Maker - Webformulare (PHP/HTML) Webformulare, PHP Formulare (mySQL, E-Mail) visuell gestalten! - Freeware