Notes on using HashTable inside a horde app - Examples as typed in the horde php console
You need to configure a hash table first - there is a HashTable tab in the Horde config.
If you use Redis, you need the nrk channel Predis package first.
$hashtable = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_HashTable');
$hashtable->set('key1', 'value1');
// Mind using Horde_Pack instead $hashtable = $injector->getInstance('Horde_HashTable'); $data = array('foo', 'bar'); $packed = serialize($data); $hashtable->set('packed', $packed); $retrieved = $hashtable->get('packed'); print $retrieved; print_r(unserialize($retrieved));
if ($hashtable->exists('key1')) { $result = $hashtable->get('key1'); }