Last Modified 2005-12-14 by Guest

Horde Form Types

The below is a list of form types that can be used in the addVariable function

Type Is rendered as...
spacer Blank line.
weatherdotcom ???
header Header separator.
description ???
html ???
number ???
int ???
octal ???
intList ???
text 40 character text input.
stringlist ???
cellphone ???
ipaddress ???
longText 80x8 character textarea.
countedText ???
address Looks the same as longtext.
file ???
image ???
boolean Single checkbox.
link ???
email ???
matrix Matrix (table) of checkbox inputs.
emailConfirm ???
password ???
passwordConfirm ???
enum Dropdown from where a single value can be chosen.
mlenum ???
multienum ???
radio ???
set ???
date ???
time ???
hourMinuteSecond Two (yes, two) drop down boxes with 0-23, 0-60.
monthYear ???
monthDayYear Three drop down boxes in that order with javascript calendar popup chooser.
colorPicker ???
sorter ???
selectFiles ???
assign ???
creditcard ???
obrowser ???
dblookup ???
figlet ???
invalid ???