See Doc/Dev/FormTypes.
The following code could be used to fill a form through Horde_Form, for example to edit a record. The example is a bit abstracted from reality, in that you would also need to build some validation around this code, checking for a form submission, etc. to eventually have a useable form.
For using the below examples, consider Horde application "myapp" with page "form.php":
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Application.php'; Horde_Registry::appInit('myapp'); $page_output->header(array( 'title' => _("My Page"), )); // // Example code goes here // $page_output->footer();
Here are some examples for introducing features of Horde_Forms:
A simple form to get started.
// Example 1: a simple form // Set up this data as a new Horde_Form_Vars object. $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables(); if (!$vars->exists('example_foo')) { $vars->set('example_foo', 'Foo Sample Data'); } // Get formname var to check if submitted later on. $formname = $vars->get('formname'); // Get the form object, setting the vars and the title. $myform = new Horde_Form($vars, _("An Example Form"), 'some_form'); // Set up the form fields. $myform->addHidden('', 'example_hidden', 'int', false); $myform->addVariable(_("Foo field"), 'example_foo', 'text', true); $myform->addVariable(_("Bar field"), 'example_bar', 'longtext', true, false, _("You have to fill in some long text here"), array(4, 40)); $myform->addVariable(_("Make editable"), 'example_edit', 'monthdayyear', false); $myform->setButtons('Abschicken', true); // Check if form submitted and validate. if ($formname) { if ($myform->validate($vars)) { $myform->getInfo($vars, $info); // Do something with this form data. echo 'saving data<br />'; } } // Render out the form. $myform->renderActive(new Horde_Form_Renderer(), $vars, 'form.php', 'post');
Here's an example that uses the conditional_enable action to enable a text description if the user picks "Other".
// Example 2: conditional enable $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables(); $myform = new Horde_Form($vars, 'Using conditional enable'); $choices = array('big' => 'BIG', 'small' => 'small', 'other' => 'Other'); $myform->addVariable('Select something', 'choices', 'enum', true, false, '', array($choices, true)); $o = &$myform->addVariable('If other, please describe', 'other_text', 'text', false, false); // $o is a Horde_Form_Variable $params = array('target' => 'choices', // variable name on which the enable state depends 'values' => array('other'), // values of target on which to change state 'enabled' => true); // state if variable contains one of the values // assign an action to the variable $o->setAction(Horde_Form_Action::factory('ConditionalEnable', $params)); // action defined through Horde_Form_Action_<action> class // Render out the form. $myform->renderActive(new Horde_Form_Renderer(), $vars, 'form.php', 'post');
// Example 3: validating parameters $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables(); $myform = new Horde_Form($vars, 'A simple form'); $myform->setButtons('Submit this form', true); $myform->addVariable('Insert some text', 'some_text', 'text', true, false, 'Insert in this box some text'); $choices = array('big' => 'BIG', 'small' => 'small', 'mixed' => 'mIxED'); $myform->addVariable('Select something', 'choices', 'enum', false, false, 'Use the selection box to make your choice', array($choices, true)); if ($myform->validate($vars)) { $myform->getInfo($vars, $info); echo 'You have submitted:<br /><pre>'; var_dump($info); echo '</pre>'; } // Render out the form. $myform->renderActive(new Horde_Form_Renderer(), $vars, 'form.php', 'post');
// Example 4: a chain of forms class TestForm1 extends Horde_Form { var $_useFormToken = false; function TestForm1(&$vars) { parent::__construct($vars, _("Step 1")); // _() for gettext() $enum = array('' => _("Select:"), 1 => _("Yes"), 0 => _("No")); // addVariable( Visible Text, name, type, required, readonly, // description, params) $this->addVariable(_("Enum"), 'opciones', 'enum', false, false, _("Simple description"), array($enum)); $this->addVariable(_("Boolean"), 'bool', 'boolean', false, false ); $this->addVariable(_("Integer"), 'number', 'int', true, false ); $this->addVariable(_("A Date"), 'mybday', 'date', false, false ); } } class TestForm2 extends Horde_Form { var $_useFormToken = false; function TestForm2(&$vars) { parent::__construct($vars, _("Step 2")); $this->addVariable(_("Email"), 'email_address', 'email', true, false ); } } $r = new Horde_Form_Renderer(); $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables(); $form1 = new TestForm1($vars); $form2 = new TestForm2($vars); $form1Valid = $form1->validate($vars, true); // Form1 can be autofilled: highlight incorrect fields right away $form2Valid = $form2->validate($vars); // Check if one form is not valid. if (!$form1Valid || !$form2Valid) { if ($form1Valid) { $form2->open($r, $vars, 'form.php', 'post'); // show fields of Form1 as inactive $r->beginInactive($form1->getTitle()); $r->renderFormInactive($form1, $vars); $r->end(); // include TestForm1 variables as invisible form elements $form1->preserve($vars); // render TestForm2 as active $r->beginActive($form2->getTitle()); $r->renderFormActive($form2, $vars); $r->submit(); $r->end(); $form2->close($r); } else { $form1->open($r, $vars, 'form.php', 'post'); $r->beginActive($form1->getTitle()); $r->renderFormActive($form1, $vars); $r->submit(); $r->end(); $form1->close($r); } } else { $form1->getInfo($vars, $info); $form2->getInfo($vars, $info); echo '<pre>'; print_r($info); echo '</pre>'; }
some PHP 4 constructors are left
Construct & pass dependencies. There should be no reason for a singleton.
- Form_Type's init() pseudo constructor
- Use proper constructors
- Provide a builder with a fluent interface?
- lowercase field types
- Namespaces and structured class names
- Most field types are attached to the Horde_Form_Type base package.
- one class per file
Fix: Check if we really need these.
- parts rely on scriptaculous and hence prototypjs
- parts rely on redboxjs
- check if we can factor out the JS
- registry
- injector
- session
- browser
- At least in renderer
- untyped variables and array parameters