
History: Horde4/BCBreaking Reload History

Version Author Created Diff From Diff To Change Log
110 Michael Rubinsky 2010-03-02 Horde_Image refactor is done
109 Michael Slusarz 2010-01-28 Clean up done tasks
108 Jan Schneider 2009-12-16 Use NumberFormatter
107 Michael Slusarz 2009-12-09 Horde_Url is a more global solution
106 Michael Slusarz 2009-10-15 realms/username handled exclusively by hooks now.
105 Michael Slusarz 2009-09-29 mark tasks as done; add framework gettext issue
104 Michael Slusarz 2009-07-27 more completed tasks
103 Michael Slusarz 2009-07-16 spellchecker has been moved out of imp
102 Jan Schneider 2009-07-12 Renamed page from BCBreakingHordeIssues
101 Jan Schneider 2009-07-12 Changed references from Horde4Config to Horde4/Config
100 Michael Slusarz 2009-07-09 more items finished
99 Michael Slusarz 2009-07-07 some more completions
98 Jan Schneider 2009-06-13 Alternate logins
97 Michael Rubinsky 2009-05-07 Looks like this ticket is resolved...
96 Jan Schneider 2009-04-25 Update a few items
95 Chuck Hagenbuch 2009-03-23 Horde_Policy
94 Chuck Hagenbuch 2009-03-23 HTML 4.01
93 Michael Slusarz 2009-02-10 Updates
92 Michael Slusarz 2009-02-10 sendmail error codes task done.
91 Chuck Hagenbuch 2009-01-21 templating idea
90 Michael Slusarz 2009-01-15 hash() changes
89 Michael Slusarz 2009-01-15 Fixed IMP template name
88 Michael Slusarz 2009-01-15 IMAP, MIME, Horde_Crypt task completion
87 Chuck Hagenbuch 2009-01-15 not a wikiword
86 Chuck Hagenbuch 2009-01-15 a few updates, break out imap into a separate section, move a few other things around
85 Michael Rubinsky 2009-01-07 Note about Exif data in Horde_Image
84 Michael Rubinsky 2008-10-22 Some Horde_Image needs for Horde 4 / PHP5
83 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-10-07 this is more or less decided
82 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-10-07 note about the intl extension
81 Michael Slusarz 2008-07-22 fix linkage, completed tasks, *_Serialize_JSON libs
80 Michael Slusarz 2008-07-22 There's going to be a IMAP abstraction library, so no need to move this to Horde
79 Michael Rubinsky 2008-07-16 Add note about maintenance tasks.
78 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-06-01 notes on horde 4 framework libs
77 Michael Slusarz 2008-05-14 various additions
76 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-04-29 note about using expired cache data and stampede protection
75 Ben Klang 2008-04-28 Add note about Caching and VFS permissions
74 Chuck Hagenbuch 2008-04-03 Changed references from HordeSpaces to Project/HordeSpaces
73 Jan Schneider 2007-12-20 Add some css namespacing idea
72 Michael Slusarz 2007-12-20 Ticket 5831 issue
71 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-12-03 note about hash functions
70 Michael Slusarz 2007-11-28 Horde_URL idea
69 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-11-27 streams, streams, streams!
68 Michael Slusarz 2007-10-03 fix unwanted link
67 Michael Slusarz 2007-10-03 IMAP_Cache todo
66 Jan Schneider 2007-06-21 Timezone issues
65 Jan Schneider 2007-06-15 Editors
64 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-06-01 note about kolab reference hacks
63 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-05-17 we will require php 5.2+ for Horde 4
62 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-05-17 note about old reminder scripts
61 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-04-27 Add VFS notes, and some more config ideas
60 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-04-13 print.js is obsolete
59 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-04-08 single mime icon configuration
58 Jan Schneider 2007-03-15 Group iCalendar stuff
57 Jan Schneider 2007-03-15 iCalendar refactoring
56 Michael Slusarz 2007-03-09 Horde_Login::, link w/cache discussion
55 Michael Slusarz 2007-03-09 template note, file_put_contents(), Horde_Cache_file::
54 Chuck Hagenbuch 2007-02-05 add note to unstall tickets
53 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-12-18 group template issues
52 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-12-17 note on pref_api files
51 Jan Schneider 2006-12-16 pgp
50 Michael Rubinsky 2006-12-14 Add bug 3271 to the list...
49 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-12-14 organize MIME issues and add one more
48 Michael Slusarz 2006-12-05 no more IMAP_Tree, add link.
47 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-11-30 autoload performance question
46 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-11-20 add toc, group javascript notes
45 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-11-13 session handling
44 Duck 2006-11-12 Change Horde_Cache TTL Logic
43 Ben Klang 2006-11-12 Add VFS_sql todo
42 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-11-07 new page for proposed config changes
41 Jan Schneider 2006-10-23 date/time parsing
40 Michael Slusarz 2006-10-10 add bugs section
39 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-10-07 additional refactoring/cleanup suggestions
38 Matt Selsky 2006-10-03 IMAP_Client vs IMAP_ACL
37 Jan Schneider 2006-09-03 loadConfiguration()
36 Jan Schneider 2006-08-16 Exceptions
35 Jan Schneider 2006-08-16 phone fields
34 Jan Schneider 2006-08-16 More ideas
33 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-08-16 new proposal - HordeSpaces
32 eraserhd 2006-08-15 Move RemoveGlobals to own page
31 Jan Schneider 2006-08-14 Protaculous
30 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-08-14 link to php userland naming guide
29 Jan Schneider 2006-08-14 Horde_ prefix
28 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-08-03 notes on autoloading
27 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-07-21 Notification_Listener update
26 Matt Selsky 2006-07-20 extra code in open_calendar.js
25 Matt Selsky 2006-07-20 open_calendar.js
24 Jan Schneider 2006-07-17 __autoload() usage
23 Michael Slusarz 2006-06-26 rfc822encode note
22 Chuck Hagenbuch 2006-05-22 language changing
21 eraserhd 2006-05-20 and sign
20 eraserhd 2006-05-20 some thoughts on architectural updates for Horde 4
19 Michael Slusarz 2006-05-10 spellchecker
18 Jan Schneider 2006-05-05 Checkboxes
17 Michael Slusarz 2006-05-05 typo
16 Michael Slusarz 2006-05-05 todo
15 Jan Schneider 2006-05-03 iCalender stuff
14 Michael Slusarz 2006-03-28 speling
13 Michael Slusarz 2006-02-13 more todo's
12 Jan Schneider 2006-02-13 XML configuration files
11 Jan Schneider 2006-02-13 Share edit form
10 Michael Slusarz 2006-01-16 stripe.js
9 Michael Slusarz 2006-01-12 imp_template
8 Michael Slusarz 2006-01-09 &new issue
7 Michael Slusarz 2005-11-25 MIME_Headers
6 Michael Slusarz 2005-11-11 imp prefs addition
5 Jan Schneider 2005-10-07 Sendmail errors
4 Michael Slusarz 2005-10-01 add entry
3 Michael Slusarz 2005-09-28 add imp_thread merge comment
2 Michael Slusarz 2005-09-27 initial commit
1 Michael Slusarz 2005-09-27