
Diff for TurckMMCacheTroubleshooting between 7 and 8

+ Turck MMCache Troubleshooting

If you are using Turck MMCache and, in IMP:

* You cannot see any message bodies or attachments  //OR//

* You only see the full text of the headers in the message body


Here is an example image of the issue:

[[image http://bugs.horde.org/view.php?actionID=view_file&type=jpg&file=bug.jpg&ticket=1699]]

(Also see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=imp&m=108163709627707&w=2 for example symptoms)

Go here for instructions on how to fix your problem:


Make sure the cache is deleted everytime Apache is restarted:



Turck MMCache seems to be dead. There's a fork called eAccelerator (http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net/). This problem should be fixed in the CVS version.