
Diff for Project/Spread between 2 and 3


+ Spreadsheets

Online spreadsheets Horde module.

++ Bugs

List any tickets on http://bugs.horde.org/ that cover this issue or are relevant to it.

++ People

Duck [mailto:duck@obala.net duck@obala.net]

++ Description

A module to allow edit and share spreadsheets. It not need to be a full featured like spreadsheet application but just a simple table editing functionality (no merged cells, graphs etc) and with some basic math opertions, range functions: COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX and php build in muth functions (SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, PI, SQRT, EXP, LN, LOG10, ABS, ATAN2, ASIN, ACOS, TRIM, SINH, COSH, TANH, ASINH, ACOSH, ATANH, LN (as PHP LOG), LEN (as PHP STRLEN)).

Attached is a experimental try formula calculation. Actually is able to:

* create and share workbooks with one sheet

* parse spread sheet formula

* basic calculation of spredsheet formula

* support all function in noted in description

* cell references inside same sheet

Next things todo

* storage

* references across sheets, possibly across workbooks

* add/remove sheets

++ Resources





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