
Diff for Project/SplitGitRepo between 13 and 14


+ Split Git Repo into individual components.

++ Bugs


++ People

All developers.

++ Description


# Create script to automatically build list of apps/libs (for use by install script)
  * Get all repos via https://api.github.com/orgs/horde/repos
  * Check for .horde files at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/horde/[REPO]/master/.gitignore
# Create single installation script
  * This script can create/clone the git repos as needed.
  * All repos will be stored in a base folder
  * Option to create a separate, web-accessible directory.
  * Includes stuff in framework/bin
  * Includes stuff in horde-support/maintenance-tools
  * Includes the groupware install code (in fact, the Horde_Core_Bundle code is probably a good place to start in terms of creating the install script).
  * Use Horde_Pear libs to query for list of packages to install
  * This script can be packaged via PHAR
    * Allow config file
# Create autoloader driver for use with script-facilitated development install
# Create Vagrant image to allow for testing/development
# Branch FRAMEWORK_5

For each application:application and library:

# Split git repo
  * Tool at framework/bin/horde-git-split
    * Example: ./horde-git-split --component Imap_Client -- horde_imap_client_3
  * Stored in separate git repo.  Prefix with "horde-"?
# Merge master into FRAMEWORK_5_2 for all libraries
# Add files to new repo
  * composer.json
    * Ensure that composer.json points to packagist/composer install paths instead of PEAR
  * Travis
    * .travis.ini, .travis.yml
# Set up email updates for new repo
# Generate documentation for each repo
# Add package-specific entry to bugs.horde.org (if it doesn't exist)

++ Open Questions (Votes)

* Prefix split repositories with "horde-"?
  * Jan: no
* What to do with the "horde" base repository. Delete current "horde" repository and replace it with the current "horde" application, or find a new repoository name for the current "horde" application and keep or empty the current "horde" repository.
  * Jan: leaning to the former

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