
Diff for Project/Folks between 2 and 3


+ Folks

Horde public users profile module.

++ Bugs

List any tickets on http://bugs.horde.org/ that cover this issue or are relevant to it.

++ People


++ Description

Consists of community like users profile pages. Where users can post personal data, comment other users, make firends... Additional to users entered data the profile page will automaticaly display users other public data from other installed modules like galleries (Ansel),  blogs (Thomas)...

++ Code

The code is still not available. There is a lot of alpha code sinpet laying around on my laptop.  For now I am working and basic usable module. New functionalities will be added latter. We are already in tasting level. So the code will be available soon.

+++ Current implemented features:

* friends (Prefs and SQL driver)

* blacklist

* comments (using Agora)

* pretty urls

* Automatically show user content from other services on the profile page (hook driven content retrieval, bash SQL script for content counting to reduce db load)

* User popularity (rank users on how much comments and messages have)

* User activity (rank users on how much content thay have)

* Search friends

* Save search query

* Integrated interface to moderate comments under user profile

* Login for a long time using crypted cookie with user password

+++ Resources

* Drag & Drop Portal - http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6102.

[[image profile.jpg]]


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