
Diff for CreatingYourFirstModule between 14 and 15

+ Creating a Horde Module

Don't use Skeleton from CVS. Use Skeleton from horde git as outlined below.
There is currently no usable version of skeleton which is tagged FRAMEWORK_3. An older revision of the CVS HEAD version may work though.

1. Check out the skeleton module from horde git

<code type="sh">
 git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/horde/horde.git
 cd horde
 cp -R skeleton/ /your/install/path/to/horde/

2. Create the following script as projectrename.php - save it somewhere sensible, like your home directory:

<code type="php">
#!/usr/bin/php -q
function analysedir( $path_, $list_ )
  // Read dir
  $handle = opendir($path_);
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
    if( $file!='.' && $file!='..')
        $file = $path_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
        //echo "$filen";

        if( !is_dir( $file ) )  // If File: Append
        else   // If Folder: scan recursively
          $list_ += analysedir($file, $list_ );
 }      // While END
 return $list_;

function substitute_skeleton( $filename, $modulname )
  $prjMC=substr($prjUC, 0, 1) . substr($prjLC, 1, strlen($prjLC)-1);

  $filehandle=fopen(trim($filename), 'r');
  $file=fread($filehandle, filesize($filename));
  $newfile=str_replace(array('SKELETON', 'Skeleton', 'skeleton'), array($prjUC, $prjMC, $prjLC), $file);
  $filehandle=fopen(trim($filename), 'w');
  fwrite($filehandle, $newfile);

function help()
  echo "projectrename.php </path/to/skeleton-folder/> <modulname>n";

// ------------------- Main-Code --------------------

if (count($_SERVER['argv'])==3)
  // Preparation
  $list = array();
  $path = trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
  $modul = trim($_SERVER['argv'][2]);

  // Fetch Filelist
  $list = analysedir( $path, $list );

  // Modify each File
  foreach( $list as $file )
        //echo $modul.": ".$file."n";
        substitute_skeleton( $file, $modul );

3. On a unix system, use the following command to replace all skeleton strings with your project name (Not tested on Windows, but should work):

<code type="sh">
projectrename.php /path/to/skeleton/Checkout/ modulname


Edit your Name into all files, for example with this snippet under bash (Unix, Linux or Windows with cygwin):

<code>find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's/Your Name <you@example.com>/Me Myself <me@myselfandi.com>/g' {} \;

3.2 Rename 

<code>mv horde/appname/test/Skeleton horde/appname/test/Appname
<code>mv horde/appname/locale/skeleton.pot horde/appname/locale/appname.pot

4. Perform some file modifications:

<code type="sh">
mv /path/to/modulename/lib/Skeleton.php /path/to/modulename/lib/Modulename.php
mkdir /path/to/modulename/themes/graphics

5. Upload a PNG icon at 16x16 for the module to the path created above, this one is available if you're stuck:

(The link doesn't work for me anymore, try this one:)

6. In /path/to/horde/config/registry.d/ create a file called modulename.php. Please note the lack of ?> at the end of the php block, and also the menu parent. If you want your object to go *ANYWHERE ELSE* you will need to change this!

+++ registry.d example for horde 3

<code type="php">
$this->applications['modulename'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../modulename',
    'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/modulename',
    'name' => _("A description of your module"),
    'status' => 'active',
    'menu_parent' => 'horde'

+++ registry.de example for horde 4

<code type="php">
$this->applications['tickplug'] = array(
        'name' => _("Tickplug"),
        'provides' => array(
        // This is sufficient. More options possible if needed


OK, so you now have your first module. Now, you need to populate it with content. This will be the subject of the next section: PopulatingYourFirstModule