
Diff for Wiki/Home between 2 and 3

+ This is the Horde Wiki

||~ Horde Project Home Page: http://www.horde.org/ ||

++ Current Topics

* ((FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ))
* ((HowTo|Horde How Tos))
* ((Doc|Documentation))
  * ((Doc/Dev|Developer Documentation))
* ((Project|Projects to add or change large or small pieces of Horde))
* ((Installations|Deployments, Providers, Distributions, and Hardware requirements))
* ((ReleaseManagement|Release Management))
* ((SecurityManagement|Managing Security Issues))
* ((InterestingLinks|Interesting Links for Horde Developers))
* ((UserInterface|User interface documentation, improvements, conventions))
* ((MediaPress|Media & Press: Horde in the mainstream))

++ Older Topics

* ((Horde3Development|Horde 3 Development Guidelines))