Last Modified 2007-06-22 by Chuck Hagenbuch

The software used is:

MTA: qmail/vpopmail with MySQL backend - all domains loaded in vpopmail.vpopmail table

vacation program: Autorespond

Horde version: 3.1.3

vacation version: 3.0

These changes will make sork vacations compatible with qmailadmin vacation changes. So you can modify your

vacation message from either location.

Like the original Qmail Driver, It still uses ftp to put the data into the user's 'home' directory.

Personally, I use Pureftp it will do SQL auths and grab the home dir from SQL, you can also specify a uid (89

is usually vpopmail), and set the users chroot. All your users will have ftp access to their Maildir with

the own vpopmail username/password. I would suggest only binding Pureftp to if you don't want your

users to do that externally.

First, get the vpopmailsql.php Driver, place into vacation/lib/Driver/ directory.

Currently, it's located: http://www.havokmon.com/stuff/horde/vacation/vpopmailsql.php.txt

This file will do all the heavy lifting, but you will need to make a couple changes to it.

Change the vpopmail/vpoppass to be your Vpopmail MySQL username password. Ultimately this driver should include

the code from sql.php driver to connect to the database, and your username/password will be in the config.php


  if (!empty($alias)) {

            $alias = $this->_makeEmailAddress($alias, $realm);

            if ($alias === false) {

                return false;



        $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'vpopmail', 'vpoppass');

        if (!$link) {

                die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



Next, add the following to conf.php:

$conf['server']['params']['default']['table'] = 'vpopmail.vpopmail';

$conf['server']['params']['default']['path_col'] = 'pw_dir';

$conf['server']['params']['default']['user_col'] = 'pw_name';

$conf['server']['params']['default']['domain_col'] = 'pw_domain';

$conf['vacation']['path'] = '/usr/local/bin/autorespond';

Make sure your autorespond is actually in the path.

Finally, main.php needs to be modified to work with the vacation message format that autorespond uses.

An autorespond vacation message looks like:

From: email@home.com <newline>

Subject: Vacation <newline>




Finally, apply the following diff to main.php v1.55. This will fix the display of the existing vacation notice,

and properly submit a new one.

Diff is also here:


--- main.php    Thu May 31 09:32:42 2007

+++  mainold.php Fri Jun 22 07:42:45 2007

@@ -70,11 +70,10 @@



         $vacationmsg = Util::getFormData('mess', false);


         // Include the mail subject if the driver supports it.

-        $my_email = Auth::getAuth();

-       if ($conf['vacation']['subject']) {

-            $vacationtxt = 'From: ' . $my_email . "\n";

-            $vacationtxt .= 'Subject: ' . Util::getFormData('subject') . "\n\n" . $vacationmsg;

+         if ($conf['vacation']['subject']) {

+             $vacationtxt = 'Subject: ' . Util::getFormData('subject') . "\n" . $vacationmsg;

         } else {

             $vacationtxt = $vacationmsg;


@@ -124,11 +123,11 @@

 $onVacation = false;

 if ($status == 'Y') {

     $curmessage = $driver->currentMessage($user, $realm, $pass);

-    $notification->push(_("Your vacation notice is currently enabled."), 'horde.success');

+     $notification->push(_("Your vacation notice is currently enabled."), 'horde.message');

     $onVacation = true;

 } elseif ($status == 'N') {

     $curmessage = $driver->currentMessage($user, $realm, $pass);

-    $notification->push(_("Your vacation notice is currently disabled."), 'horde.warning');

+     $notification->push(_("Your vacation notice is currently disabled."), 'horde.message');

 } else {

     // If the driver can't tell the difference between "disabled" and

     // "unknown", be inscrutable.

@@ -142,19 +141,11 @@

     if (preg_match('/^Subject: ([^\n]+)\n(.+)$/s', $curmessage, $matches)) {

         $cursubject = $matches[1];

         $curmessage = $matches[2];


     } else {

         $cursubject = '';



-if ($cursubject == ""){

-    if (empty($cursubject)){

-        list($curFrom,$cursubject,$curmessage)=split("[\n]",$curmessage,3);

-    }

-    list($subheader,$cursubject)=split(":",$cursubject,2);



 $alias = Util::getFormData('alias');

 if (is_null($alias)) {

     $aliases = &Vacation_AliasDriver::singleton();