Horde_Payment Bugs People Code Description Features Payment process for user Step 1: Type selection Step 2: Enter data Step 3: Validation Step 4: Redirection page Writing your payment module Files List user payment request Implementation Api calls authorizationRequest() usage example authorizationResponse() API example authorizationReturn() API example Screenshots Resources Horde_Payment Unified payment processor providing payment gateway for any Horde module. Bugs List any tickets on http://bugs.horde.org/ that cover this issue or are relevant to it. People Duck duck@obala.net Code http://cvs.horde.org/incubator/Horde_Payment/ Description A payment processing module encapsulating all communications with various payment interfaces. The application just pushes a payment request with the “authorizationRequest” API call. When a payment is processed, the payment module calls the selling application's “authorizationResponse” callback API method to notify it of the results. After payment processing is finished, the user will be redirected to the calling application's webroot, or to the URL provided by “authorizationReturn” result if the selling application provides it. The payment module provides an administrative interface to list and search payment requests per module, amount, user status etc. Features Built in payment methods Cash on delivery Proforma invoice Known statuses pending revoked successful void Configurable payment methods Limit payment methods per user Limit payment methods per application Limit payment methods per amount Virtual host support Possibility to add a testing process request Payment process for user Step 1: Type selection When the user is redirected to the selling interface, he/her will be asked to select a payment module. The list will be populated with all modules available that are active, linked to application owning the transaction and in the amount value parameters. If there is only one module available, the selection screen is avoided and user is redirected directly to the next step. User can always come back and choose another method, as revoke a transaction at any time. Step 2: Enter data User is asked for additional data required by the selected module. Values are stored in database for administrative purposes. This step is automatically skipped for modules does not need additional data entered by user. (See Horde_Payment_Method::hasLocalForm()) Step 3: Validation The validation process of the payment module will be called or the user will be redirected to the remote validation page if the module has it. Here is where the selling application will be called back to be notified about authorization status change. (See Horde_Payment_Method::hasRemoteValidation(), Horde_Payment_Method::process()) Step 4: Redirection page The user will be redirected back to the selling application page or to the result of the “authorizationReturn” call. Writing your payment module Files A payment module is class extension of Horde_Payment_Method and should reside in a sub-directory /of lib/Modules named the same as you module. Inside this directory there must be: version.php – telling the configuration screen the version of your module conf.xml – a configuration options Module.php – man class file. List user payment request A lot of payment request ends by user abort (they change their mind, the line falls, system creases...) To remind them about their order, you can use the “listAthorizations” method to list user's pending authorizations. So they can restart the process where they finish wherever they want. // Get authorisations for current application and user $authorizations = $registry->call('payment/listAuthorizations', array(array('module_name' => $registry->getApp(), 'user_uid' => Auth::getAuth()))); // Get status names $statuses = $registry->call('payment/getStatuses'); // List all authorizations and link pending ones to paymnet procces foreach ($authorizations as $authorization) { echo date('y-m-d h:i:s', $authorization['created']) . '
'; echo $authorization['amount'] . '
'; echo $statuses[$authorization['status']] . '
'; if ($authorization['status'] == Horde_Payment::PENDING) { $link = $registry->link('payment/show', array('id' => $authorization['authorization_id'])); echo ' - ' . _("Please click here to continue!") . ''; } echo '
'; } Implementation Api calls authorizationRequest() usage example $app = $registry->getApp(); // Calling app $transaction_id = "myID123"; // App internal unique id $total = 500; // Total requested amount $params = array(); // Optional: Additional payment parameters, like user details (name, address etc..) // Check if any authorization method exits and is linked to this $authorization_methods = $registry->call('payment/getMethods', array($app)); if ($authorization_methods instanceof PEAR_Error) { echo sprintf(_("Authorization error. %s"), $authorization_methods->getMessage()); exit; } // Push an paymnet authorization request $authorizationID = $registry->call('payment/authorizationRequest', array($app, $transaction_id, $total, $params)); if ($authorizationID instanceof PEAR_Error) { echo sprintf(_("Authorization error. %s"), $authorizationID->getMessage()); exit; } // Redirect to paymnet system // $redirect_url = $registry->link('payment/show', array('id' => $transaction_id, 'module' => $app)); $redirect_url = $registry->link('payment/show', array('id' => $authorizationID)); header('Location:' . $redirect_url); exit; authorizationResponse() API example ... $_services['authorizationResponse'] = array( 'args' => array('id' => 'id', 'params' => '{urn:horde}stringArray'), 'type' => 'string' ); .... /** * Handle authorization response. * * @param string $id Invoice identification number * @param string $params Additional parameters */ function _manios_authorizationResponse($id, $params) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/base.php'; $manios_driver = Manios_Driver::singleton(); if ($manios_driver instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $manios_driver; } $transaction = $manios_driver->getTransaction($id); if ($transaction instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $transaction; } switch ($params['status_id']) { case Horde_Payment::PENDING: // We have noting to do return true; break; case Horde_Payment::VOID: case Horde_Payment::REVOKED: // Cancle order return $manios_driver->deleteTransaction($id, $transaction['advertiser_id']); case Horde_Payment::SUCCESSFUL: // Payment was successfully, process order return $manios_driver->confirmTransaction($id); default: // Unknown return PEAR::raiseError(_("Unknown response status")); } } authorizationReturn() API example ... $_services['authorizationReturn'] = array( 'args' => array('id' => 'id'), 'type' => 'string' ); .... /** * Returns authorization comeback url. * * @param string $id Invoice identification number */ function _manios_authorizationReturn($id) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/base.php'; $manios_driver = Manios_Driver::singleton(); if ($manios_driver instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $manios_driver; } $transaction = $manios_driver->getTransaction($id); if ($transaction instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $transaction; } // The transaction has no campaign linked if (empty($transaction['campaign_id'])) { return Horde::applicationUrl('impressions/transfer.php', true); } // Redirect to campaign management return Util::addParameter(Horde::applicationUrl('banners/', true), 'c', $transaction['campaign_id']); } Screenshots Configure payment methods Link payment methods to application Search authorizations Add a testing process request Resources Credit card test #s: https://www.paypal.com/en_US/vhelp/paypalmanager_help/credit_card_numbers.htm Back to the Project List