Last Modified 2008-07-14 by Chuck Hagenbuch


Hippo will be a new Horde 4, PHP 5 application that aggregates content. It will initially be written to aggregate feeds, both internal from Jonah natively, and external (through Horde_Feed). Hippo will work with Horde_Content types and have Input and Output classes. Input classes will allow reading a content type, such as Horde_Feed feeds, Jonah internal feeds, comics, etc. Output classes will allow outputting a "remixed" feed from one or more inputs (such as combining an RSS feed with a few comics into a daily feed).


Horde_Feed improvements to suport Hippo:


As Horde is experimenting with new source control systems (Project/FutureSCM), hippo is being developed in a mercurial (http://selenic.com/mercurial/) repository on dev.horde.org. If you have a Horde CVS account, then you have SSH access to dev.horde.org and you can get a copy of hippo by doing:

hg clone ssh://user@dev.horde.org//horde/hg/hippo hippo

... replacing "user" with your Horde CVS username. When you have changes to share, you can push them back to dev.horde.org with:

hg push ssh://user@dev.horde.org//horde/hg/hippo

Pushes will generate an email to commits@lists.horde.org. There are plenty of other things possible with mercurial, including defining shortcuts for repositories so that you don't need to type out the full ssh://... path each time.


ChuckHagenbuch is working on Hippo. MikeNaberezny may be interested in Hippo.


  • Horde_Cache will be used to cache content that isn't stored directly
    • Some content types such as comics might include code to fetch and store themselves locally; we might decide that Horde_Feed external feeds should be fetched into a local content table also
    • This application should be able to provide the backend for Planet Horde (http://planet.horde.org/)
    • Fields to aggregate for feeds: title, url, uid, summary, content if any, content-type for content, date
    • During Hippo runs, Horde_Log will be used for logging
    • There will be the ability to run filters on Hippo_Input plugins. For instance, if a certain feed has the same junk in every entry, a filter could be attached to the Hippo_Input for that feed that would strip it out. Generic (regex-type) filters should be configurable via the UI; it should be possible to configure any kind of filter in a config file or separate input plugin class.
    • This application should eventually be able to replace Klutz
    • Additional possible content types include podcasts, content from other Horde applications (iCalendar data from Kronolith), "friend information (http://hasin.wordpress.com/2008/05/31/building-friendfeed-using-php-part-1/, http://hasin.wordpress.com/2008/06/03/building-services-like-friendfeed-using-php-part2/), etc.


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