Table of Contents

  1. Hippo
    1. Bugs
    2. Source
    3. People
    4. Description
      1. Changes from Klutz for comics driver
    5. As a source of feeds
    6. Resources
      1. UI Ideas
      2. YQL - super data source
      3. Semantic data sources
      4. Feed sources
      5. Converting partial feeds to full feeds
      6. Term extraction
      7. OPML parsing (merge into Horde_Feed)
      8. Typography
      9. PDF generation
      10. Podcast fetching
      11. NYTimes data source
      12. Video sources
      13. Vanity feeds


Hippo will be a new Horde 4, PHP 5 application that aggregates content. It will initially be written to aggregate feeds, both internal from Jonah natively, and external (through Horde_Feed). Hippo will work with Horde_Content types and have Input and Output classes. Input classes will allow reading a content type, such as Horde_Feed feeds, Jonah internal feeds, comics, etc. Output classes will allow outputting a "remixed" feed from one or more inputs (such as combining an RSS feed with a few comics into a daily feed).


Horde_Feed improvements to suport Hippo:


Hippo is being developed in the Horde hatchery


ChuckHagenbuch is working on Hippo. MikeNaberezny may be interested in Hippo.


GUID detection:

if (isset($item['guid'])) {
    $guid = $item['guid'];
} elseif (isset($item['id'])) {
    $guid = $item['id'];
    $item['guid'] = $item['id'];
} else {
    $guid = $item['link'];
    $item['guid'] = $item['link'];

Stats to keep:

Changes from Klutz for comics driver

"try to fetch this comic" gives a blank page, though it works
- make "try to fetch this comic" links inline ajax calls

UI updates

default to the previous day's comics if today's haven't fetched yet

have a back-fill mode for fetch?
- have the capability, just need to have it in the command-line script

- put the various fetch, rebuild sums, cleanup tasks into API calls.
- use those api calls in backend.php and rename backend.php to some more reasonable admin script
- better error reporting throughout the drivers and backend.php code
- feeds of specified comic sets
- tags? so, political cartoons, sometimes funny, always funny..

Keyboard nav:

As a source of feeds

Dave Winer has some ideas on loosely-coupled publishing tools that are interesting and may match with some of the Hydra/Hippo/Hound set of apps:


UI Ideas

Article skimmer



YQL - super data source

Semantic data sources

Feed sources

Converting partial feeds to full feeds

Term extraction

OPML parsing (merge into Horde_Feed)


PDF generation

Podcast fetching

NYTimes data source

Video sources

Vanity feeds

Allow one-step creation of de-duped searches on these and other sources

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