.. contents:: Contents .. section-numbering:: ============== Introduction ============== by Torben Dannhauer The process of populating the new module with content/functionality is fairly straight forward and after learning how the Horde API' s work, you should be able to produce new modules in a minimum amount of time. Jan Schneider talked about this at FOSDEM 2005. You can find his slides at http://www.horde.org/papers/fosdem2005/. The new module's functionality could by separated in the following aspects: * Menus * Calling-procedure at entering the application * Permissions * All Content-Pages which are accessible through on oh the menus * Services offered to external modules Usually it is useful to analyse another hordemodule to learn how this work. I analysed Kronolith and it helped me a lot. Obviously it is necessary to know the provided horde API zu write a horde module. Because a beginner (and this tutorial is adressed to them) has no clue about it, it is very usefull to read the package-documentation at http://dev.horde.org/api/framework/. ======= Menus ======= In Horde there are two standard menus: The top menu an the side menu. ToDo: Add links to Wikipages describing menus in detail. ---------- Top Menu ---------- The top menu is devided in to 4 sections: * left: menuitems provided by this module: see below * mid left: menuitems added manually: see below * mid right: menuitems added in the administrator's module setup * right: menuitems provided by horde as default left ==== the menuitmes this module intentionally provide are located in the file /lib/Module.php in the function ::getMenu() Add Items like this: :: $menu->add(Horde::applicationUrl('pagetoshow.php'), _("MenuItemName"), 'icon.png', $registry->getImageDir() ); mid left ========= Items are added in /config/menu.php: :: $_menu[] = array( 'url' => 'http://www.example.com/', 'text' => 'Example, Inc.', 'icon' => 'example.png', 'icon_path' => 'http://www.example.com/images/', 'target' => '_blank', 'onclick' => '' ); ----------- Side Menu ----------- 1. In the horde config/registry.d/.php you added for your module, add sidebar entries: :: $this->applications['-menu'] = array( 'status' => 'sidebar', 'sidebar_params' => array( 'id' => 'menu', ), 'app' => '', 'menu_parent' => '', ); 2. Then copy and paste the sidebarCreate() function from, e.g. kronolith/lib/Application.php, into /lib/Application.php. 3. Edit it to do what you want. The id in your sidebar_params above will match the $params['id'] that gets passed in. =============================================== Calling procedure at entering the application =============================================== If a module is entered via the side-menu, usualy the url to the module-folder was provided. The link ist http:/// without any file suffix. So the calling procedure starts by executing the index.php on the webserver. Procedure: * Executing index.php: initialzing, load configfiles and load the page which should be displayed at the beginning (e.g. in Skeleton: list.php). * list.php calls >module>/lib/base.php to initialize the module and then proceeds with its content. * now lists.php is displayed. By Clicking on any menuitem another contentpage as list.php (but of course also list.php again) could be displayed (->executed). ============= Permissions ============= The module's permissiontree which includes the logical structure of all permissions available in this module is defined in /lib/api.php Further information about permissions is available at http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/PermsPackage =============== Backenddriver =============== The easiest way to learn writing a backend-Driver for managing the data your first module works with is to extend the Skeletons SQL-Driver. * Edit config/conf.xml: Add the databset tables you want be configurable. Attention: one databaset table with name "table" MUST exist! Example : :: mymodule_table which is needed * go to your horde configuration, configurate your module to get your conf.php written with your new configs. * ...to proceed ============== Content-Page ============== The basic procedure to create Content-Pages is: * create .inc files that display the elements on the screen * create any php files needed to fill in forms It is a good point to start a contentpage by copying the Skeleton's list.php All viewable pages ar located in the module's root-folder. All businesslogic (classes etc,) are located in separate files in /lib. -------- Layout -------- Creating the Page-Layout consists of two main tasks: 1. Creating forms for data manipulation 1. and - if the page is complex enought (nearly every page is it) you can store the html-content in templates. If a submenu on the content page ist needed (like in turba), it can be generated via
Templates ========= **WARNING: The Horde_Template package is no longer supported. You should use ((http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/Horde_View)) instead.** To move your businesslogic-variabes to a html-layout, the Horde_Templates-Package is usefull. You can include templates with code tags, and Horde will replace these tags with your variable content, if the tags and the variables are associated via template->setVariable(...);. For further information read about this package use wiki.horde.org : /Doc/Dev/TemplatePackageH32 Horde_Forms =========== :: // Prepare Variables $title = 'myFormtitle'; $vars = Variables::getDefaultVariables(); // Prepare Form $form = &new Horde_Form($vars, $title, 'accountstatement_Form'); $renderer = new Horde_Form_Renderer(); // Add form fields & Variables. $form->addHidden('', 'example_hidden', 'int', false); $form->addVariable(_("Title"), 'title', 'text', false); // ---------------------- Render Form ------------ // Writes the HTML opening tag. $form->open( $renderer, $vars, 'accountstatement.php', 'post'); // Titelzeile rendern $renderer->beginActive($title); /* writes the via addVariable(...) and addHidden(...) added inputtypes. Available types are: http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/FormTypes?referrer=Doc%2FDev%2FFormPackage# */ $renderer->renderFormActive($form, $vars); // writes the "submit" input button $renderer->submit(); // writes the HTML tag $form->close($renderer); // stop renderer $renderer->end(); If you want to manipulate form variables in javascript, you must set any value to that variable, otherwise it is not initialized correctly. If you plan to use a form for hidden values only, you will see a thin line in HTML. To prevent that, you can add a variable with type 'spacer'. This type has no visible content and the thin line caused by the "only hidden values" disappears. To read or write the form variables user $vars->set( $variablename, $value); and $myVar = $vars->get( $variablename, $defaultvalue_if_not_available ); . --------- Scripts --------- If any scripts are needed for layout like striped.js für alternating rowcolors, add these scripts via Horde::addScriptFile('