Palm OS on Windows and Linux ============================= The Access company provides a free Palm emulator after you subscribe to the `Access Developer Network`_. .. _`Access Developer Network`: Pocket PC and Windows Mobile on Windows ======================================= Visual Studio includes a Pocket PC emulator that is a bit tricky to discover, you will need: * Visual Studio 2005 installed. There is a `90 day trial`_ available * `Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Resource Kit`_ * `Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK`_ * `Localized Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator Images`_ * `Activesync for PC connection`_ The emulator will be found at *C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Device Emulator\1.0\dvcemumanager.exe* or by the tools menu in Visual Studio. .. _`90 day trial`: .. _`Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Resource Kit`: .. _`Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK`: .. _`Localized Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator Images`: .. _`Activesync for PC connection`: Don't forget to set in the connection setting of Activesync *Allow access of the following* to *DMA* When you launch the emulator you will just have to select an image and click *connect* to see the Pocket PC and *cradle* to have some network support. Cell Phone Emulator =================== * `Openwave Phone Simulator`_