Last Modified 2004-08-16 by Jan Schneider
Set one key at a time
void setFormatConf (string format name, string rule name, string conf key, mixed conf value)
Set all keys at once
void setFormatConf (string format name, string rule name, array conf key-value pairs)

Set the configuration for a rule renderer. For example, to tell the "Table" rule in "Xhtml" format what CSS class to use for data cells...

$wiki =& new Text_Wiki();
$wiki->setRenderConf('Xhtml', 'Table', 'css_td', 'my_td_class');

To set all of the "Table" configuration keys for "Xhtml" at the same time...

$wiki =& new Text_Wiki();

$conf = array(
    'css_table' => 'my_table_class',
    'css_tr' => 'my_tr_class',
    'css_td' => 'my_td_class'

$wiki->setRenderConf('Xhtml', 'Table', $conf);

Note: Render rule conf keys may be different from format to format.