Last Modified 2005-05-14 by Guest


If you want to setup MIMP in parallel with IMP, you need the composite authentication driver with a browser switch.

To use the composite driver select it from the dropdown list in the authentication tab of the configuration interface or change $conf['auth']['driver'] to 'composite' in horde/config/conf.php.

In horde/config/conf.php, insert the following code:

(Note: the 'horde_sql' is for administrative tasks such as user manipulation as defined in 'admin_driver'. If you use other authentication mechanisms, please change the 'horde_sql' entry appropriately.)

$conf['auth']['params']['drivers'] = array(

    'imp' => array('driver' => 'application',

                   'params' => array('app' => 'imp')),

    'mimp' => array('driver' => 'application',

                    'params' => array('app' => 'mimp')),

    'horde_sql' => array('driver' => 'sql',

                      'params' => array(

                                       'hostspec' => 'localhost',

                                       'phptype' => 'mysql',

                                       'protocol' => 'unix',

                                       'username' => 'horde',

                                       'password' => 'hordepass',

                                       'database' => 'horde')));

$conf['auth']['params']['admin_driver'] = 'horde_sql';

$conf['auth']['params']['loginscreen_switch'] = '_horde_select_loginscreen';

if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {

    function _horde_select_loginscreen()


        require_once 'Horde/Browser.php';

        $browser = &new Browser();

        if ($browser->isMobile()) {

            return 'mimp';


        return 'imp';



This will give you either the IMP or the MIMP login screen, depending on the browser you use.