Last Modified 2010-10-02 by Ben Klang

Horde Hackathon 2010


Work on this weekend

Better mobile portal

  • Don't hide non-mobile apps from mobile devices. Avoid a blank screen.


  • Move CI and phpdoc to kasei
  • Reinstall Ubuntu 10 on Simon, keep git/dev services there


  • Focus on distributing Horde (apps & components) via PEAR (pear.horde.org)
  • Evaluate discontinuing tarball releases for H4
  • Wiki will become authoritative source for component (Framework libraries) documentation
  • Wiki documentation will be rolled into component packages as static HTML/Text at time of release
  • Update component documentation template to match Horde_Routes

jQuery vs. Prototype.js

  • We will evaluate jQuery Mobile
  • If experience is positive we may consider migrating from Prototype to jQuery
  • NOT before H4

Decisions for later