Horde Hackathon 2010 ShowStoppersFourOh Better mobile portal Don't hide non-mobile apps from mobile devices. Avoid a blank screen. Servers Move CI and phpdoc to kasei Reinstall Ubuntu 10 on Simon, keep git/dev services there Website Use the style of http://dev.horde.org/routes/ for package homepages on http://pear.horde.org/ Packaging Focus on distributing Horde (apps & components) via PEAR (pear.horde.org) Evaluate discontinuing tarball releases for H4 Wiki will become authoritative source for component (Framework libraries) documentation Wiki documentation will be rolled into component packages as static HTML/Text at time of release Update component documentation template to match Horde_Routes jQuery vs. Prototype.js We will evaluate jQuery Mobile If experience is positive we may consider migrating from Prototype to jQuery NOT before H4 Developer Tools Horde will continue to develop and improve our developer tools Luxor will merge with Chora Chora will integrate better with Wicked and Whups Decisions for later jQuery Mobile GroupDAV support UI Design Changes Mobile Mail / Mobile Calendar Unfulfilled Action Items Draft application name change proposal and send to dev@ (bklang) Replace PEAR DB Fix problem where database binder creates an infinite loop Make mobile portal present all available apps Add JS syntax highlighter to Jonah (mrubinsk) Migrate remaining salvageable apps from CVS to Git