Last Modified 2007-10-08 by Michael Rubinsky

Horde User's FAQ

Turba Questions

How do I store more than one email address in a single address book entry?

[Turba 1.2] To store multiple addresses in a single address book entry you must create a "list". You start by creating single entries for each address you want in the list, just as you normally would do for any other entry. Then, from the browse view, list those entries and click the checkbox to the left to each name you want in your list. Next, select New List from the slection box in the upper right corner of the browser window, and click the Add to button. You will be presented with a window asking for the name of the distribution list to create. Type the list name, and click on the OK button, and you list should be created.

To add addresses to an existing list, preceed as above but select the existing list new instead of New List from the list selection box.

Note that the number of addresses that will fit in a single entry may be limited by your installation.

[Turba 1.1] While it is sometimes possible to fake some limited list support in Turba 1.0 or 1.1, this procedure may cause problems and therefore it is recommended that you upgrade to Turba 1.2 to get proper list support instead.

How do I list all the entries in my address book?

[Turba 1.2] Click one the Turba Browse icon in the top menu bar. Then select the address book you want to browse, and click on the Show button. In some large address books, the number of entries returned may be limited.

[Turba 1.1] Go to the Turba search window. Select "Name" in the "Find" field. Leave the "Matching" field empty. Select "My Address book" in the "From" filed. Press the Search button. You should see all the entries in your address book listed.

Why don't I see the address book icon after header email addresses in IMP?

You probably have not selected your default address book in IMP. In IMP, use the Options button to access your preference. Select Address books, then select your address book under Choose the address book to use when adding addresses.

Can Turba use shared address books?

[Turba 2.1] Shared address books are available in current versions of Turba. Any user can create a new address book and set the appropriate permissions on it to make it shared. To enable this, make sure the 'use_shares' => true option is set in turba/config/sources.php. Choose the menu item My Address Books and then select the address book you want to share from the drop down menu in the Edit Address Book section then click Edit Permissions.