==================== PageOutput Object ==================== $page_output is a global variable defined by the Horde_Framework. It is used to format the output of dynamically generated pages. `API Documentation`_ .. _`API Documentation`: http://dev.horde.org/api/master/lib/Core/classes/Horde_PageOutput.html Page Header =========== :: $page_output->header(array( 'title' => _("List") )); Page Footer =========== :: $page_output->footer(); Adding Javascript ================= Javscript file that lives in an application's js/ directory *************************************************************** :: // $page_output->addScriptFile($name_of_file_relative_to_base_of_js_directory, $app_name); // Example, for Horde: $page_output->addScriptFile('login.js', 'horde'); External Javascript file ************************ :: // The file MUST be web accessible. $page_output->addScriptFile( new Horde_Script_File_External($relative_URI_to_JS_file) ); Adding inline Javascript code ***************************** :: $page_output->addInlineScript( $javascript_code, true ); PageOutput defaults ------------------- Depending on the presentation type (smartmobile, dynamic, basic), PageOutput automatically includes some appropriate javascript environment. In Horde 5, dynamic mode is based on PrototypeJs and smartmobile is based on jquery-mobile. See `Ajax Application Docs`_ for more details on available environment. .. _`Ajax Application Docs`: https://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/HordeAjaxApplications?referrer=Doc%2FDev%2FPageOutput