Globally Defined Injector Instances Basic injectors: These injectors return a Horde-configured object with the given name. Horde_Alarm Horde_Browser Horde_Cache Horde_Core_Auth_Signup Horde_Db_Adapter_Base Horde_History Horde_Lock Horde_Log_Logger Horde_Mail Horde_Memcache Horde_Notification Horde_Perms Horde_Registry Horde_Secret Horde_SessionHandler Horde_Service_Facebook Horde_Service_Twitter Horde_Template Horde_Token Net_DNS_Resolver Special injectors: Horde_Auth Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $auth = getAuth([$driver, [$params]]) $auth = (Horde_Auth_Base) $driver = (string) The driver. Defaults to the configured driver. $params = (array) Additional parameters to pass to the driver. Defaults to the configured parameters. Horde_Ajax Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $ajax = getAjax($app, $vars, [$action]) $ajax = (Horde_Core_Ajax_Application) $vars = (Horde_Variables) The Form/Request data. $action = (string) The ajax action to perform. Horde_Ajax_Imple Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $imple = getImple($driver[, $params[, $noattach]]) $driver = (mixed) Either a driver name or an array with 2 elements (application, driver) $params = (array) Parameters needed by driver. $noattach = (boolean) If true, don't attach to page. Defaults to false. Horde_Crypt Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $crypt = getCrypt($driver, [$params]) $crypt = (Horde_Crypt) $driver = (string) The driver. $params = (array) Additional parameters to pass to the driver. Horde_Data Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $data = getData([$driver, [$params]]) $data = (Horde_Data_Base) $driver = (string) The driver. $params = (array) Driver parameters Horde_Db Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $db = getDb([$app, [$type]]) $db = (Horde_Db_Adapter_Base) $app = (string) The application. Defaults to 'horde'. $type = (string) The type, i.e. the library that is providing parameters for an SQL driver, like 'prefs' or 'alarm'. $config = getConfig(); $type = (string) The type, i.e. the library that is providing parameters for an SQL driver, like 'prefs' or 'alarm'. Horde_Db_Pear Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $db = getDb([$type]) $db = (DB_common) $type = (string) 'read' or 'rw' Horde_Editor Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $editor = getEditor($driver, [$params]) $editor = (Horde_Editor) $driver = (string) The editor driver, e.g. 'Ckeditor' or 'Fckeditor'. $params = (array) Additional parameters to pass to the driver (will override Horde defaults). Horde_Http_Client Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $http = getClient([$params]) $http = (Horde_Http_Client) $params = (array) Additional parameters to pass to the driver (will override Horde defaults). Horde_Ldap Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $ldap = getLdap([$driver, [$params]]) $ldap = (Horde_Ldap) $app = (string) The application. Defaults to 'horde'. $type = (string) The type, i.e. the library that is providing parameters for an SQL driver, like 'prefs' or 'alarm'. $config = getConfig($type); $type = (string) The type, i.e. the library that is providing parameters for an SQL driver, like 'prefs' or 'alarm'. Horde_LoginTasks Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $lt = getLoginTasks($app) $lt = (Horde_LoginTasks) $app = (string) The current application. Horde_Prefs Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $prefs = getPrefs([$scope[, $opts]]) $prefs = (Horde_Prefs) $scope = (string) Scope for this set of preferences. Default is 'horde'. $opts = (array) Options for the Horde_Prefs constructor (see Horde_Prefs::factory()). Additionally, if 'session' is true, will return a session instance. Horde_Prefs_Identity Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $identity = getIdentity([$user, [$driver]]) $identity = (Horde_Prefs_Identity) $user = (string) The user to use, if not the current user $driver = (string) The identity driver. Either empty (use default driver) or an application name. Horde_Share Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $share = getScope([$app, [$driver]]) $share = (Horde_Share) $app = (string) The application scope to use, if not the current app. $driver = (array) The share driver. Either empty (use default driver from $conf) or a driver name. Horde_Text_Filter Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $filter = getFilter($driver[, $params]) $filter = (Horde_Text_Filter_Base) $driver = (string) The driver name. $params = (array) Parameters needed by the filter driver. $text = filter($intext[, $filters[, $params]]) $text = (string) The filtered text. $intext = (string) The original text. $filters = (mixed) A list of filter names or a single filter name. $params = (array) The list of params to use with each filter in $filters. Horde_Tree Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $tree = getTree($name, $renderer, [$params]]) $tree = (Horde_Tree) $name = (string) The name of the tree instance. $renderer = (string) The type of tree renderer (generally 'html', 'javascript', or 'select'). $params = (array) Any additional parameters needed. Horde_Vfs Returns factory object with the following publicly available methods: $vfs = getVfs([$scope]) $vfs = (VFS) $scope = (string) The vfs scope to return, usually an application name. $config = getVfsConfig([$name]) $config = (array) $name = (string) The vfs scope to return, usually an application name.