.. contents:: Contents .. section-numbering:: ============ Horde_View ============ Documentation on the Horde_View package. This documentation is adopted from the MAD documentation (http://framework.maintainable.com/mvc/5_view.php), as many of the Horde View ideas are also adopted from MAD, and the helpers are directly compatible between the two systems. The following explanations correspond to Horde 5. --------------- Example usage --------------- **Calling code** :: 'Hernando de Soto', 'title' => 'The Mystery of Capitalism' ), array( 'author' => 'Henry Hazlitt', 'title' => 'Economics in One Lesson' ), array( 'author' => 'Milton Friedman', 'title' => 'Free to Choose' ) ); $view = new Horde_View (array('templatePath' => 'viewtest')); $view->addHelper('Horde_View_Helper_Tag'); $view->books = $data; // and render a template called "template.php" echo $view->render('template.php'); **View template** Put the following code into viewtest/template.php (the template path is set above): :: books): ?> books as $key => $val): ?>
Author Title
escape($val['author']) ?> escape($val['title']) ?>

There are no books to display.

-------------------- Base functionality -------------------- * assign indiv vars * assign bulk vars * ``__isset/__empty/__get`` * add template paths (incl. add missing trailing slash) * render (w/ .html added if no extension) * render in path order * render partials * render w/ local variables * render partial collections * add helpers * helper method overwrite ---------------------- Helper functionality ---------------------- Benchmark ========= * logging Capture ======= * capture output (nested output buffers) * capture to named view variable Debug ===== * pretty variable dump Form Tag ======== * generate form tags * generate multipart form tags * checkbox input * hidden input * file input * password input * radio input * select input * textarea input * text field input * submit input Form ==== * initialize defaults from objects * wrapper around FormTag helpers with object awareness * formFor($object) * fieldsFor($object) * default form builder * custom form builders Javascript ========== * generate