PHP Versions for Horde 6 Horde 6 requires PHP 8.1 or PHP 8.2 versions. Support for PHP 8.3 is in development. Ubuntu and Debian Install following packages: sudo apt-get install composer sudo apt-get install php-xml sudo apt-get install php-curl sudo apt-get install php-ldap sudo apt-get install php-bcmath sudo apt-get install php-mysql PHP Extensions - PHAR extension is required for composer and other utilities - gettext for localisation - intl - iconv - PDO and SQL Database extensions - curl for API requests Depending on installed Horde applications and used backends, other extensions are required. For a fairly complete reference, the groupware container image currently uses these PHP extensions: - php8-APCu - php8-bcmath - php8-bz2 - php8-ctype - php8-calendar - php8-curl - php8-dom - php8-gd - php8-gettext - php8-iconv - php8-imagick - php8-intl - php8-ldap - php8-mbstring - php8-mysql - php8-opcache - php8-openssl - php8-pcntl - php8-pdo - php8-phar - php8-posix - php8-redis - php8-soap - php8-sockets - php8-sqlite - php8-tokenizer - php8-xmlwriter - php8-xmlreader - php8-zip - php8-zlib Composer will tell user whenever a platform requirement is missing.