Last Modified 2017-10-03 by Jan Schneider

The Registry (Horde_Registry)

This information is valid for Horde 4 and later only. See Doc/Dev/RegistryH3 for Horde 3.

Horde's Registry is the sole method to initialize the Horde environment and is the glue that holds different applications together.

  • The Registry is responsible for handling authentication to the Horde framework.
  • The Registry system keeps track of Horde's application stack, and which app is currently running.
  • When you switch applications, the registry will take care of correctly switching the gettext textdomain, loading the application configuration, and loading the user's application preferences.
  • It also lets you determine configuration information about installed applications.
  • The Registry lets you generate links to other apps.
    • Links will be to the application that provides the functionality.
    • Any arguments that the target script needs (headers for an email, for instance) will be filled out of the second argument to link().
  • The Registry also lets you invoke methods in other applications
    • The registry.php config file defines where to find the code necessary to execute the method, and what application implements it.
    • Any application can be integrated this way; all you need to do is map it to the registry interface.

Things the Registry does when being instantiated:

  1. Importing the global configuration
  2. Setting up configuration of various framework libraries (via Horde_Injector)
  3. Setting up the session handler and starting the session (including necessary authentication)
  4. Setting the language and gettext domain
  5. Restoring the registry information from cache or loading and parsing the registry configuration from config/registry.php
  6. Instantiating the global Permission object (TODO: should be removed in favor of Horde_Injector)

Click here for Registry usage examples.

Click here for documentation on how to configure the horde/config/registry.php file.