Horde 6 Release steps One time importing from maintaina - - Create a FRAMEWORK_6_0 branch from horde master - Ensure the maintaina-com equivalent is rebased on master already - PR content from the maintaina-com/FRAMEWORK_6_0 branch into the horde/FRAMEWORK_6_0 branch - Make FRAMEWORK_6_0 the default branch - add to packagist or change packagist URL from maintaina-com to horde - Ensure the "horde" account and yunosh are among the owners/maintainers of the package Make github actions work WIP - CI/PHPUnit, PHPStan - PHPDOC - satis release from console (ignore the release github action for now) TBD setup packagist.org integration TBD Problems horde/text_wiki is a downstream fork of pear/text_wiki with no proper horde packaging. Decide what to do